7.3 Conciliation
7.3.1 Conciliation service | 7.3.2 Application for Conciliation | 7.3.3 Notification of conciliation | 7.3.4 Documentation required for conciliation | 7.3.5 Prepare for conciliation | 7.3.6 Disputes about provisional payments
The aim of conciliation is to resolve disputes and avoid litigation. The worker can request conciliation if there is a dispute between the worker and the Agent and/or employer about the worker’s claim.

See: Conciliation service
The worker or a nominated person on the worker's behalf must request conciliation:
- in writing, by completing and signing the Application for Conciliation form, and
- within 60 days after the notice of decision was served on the worker.
Forms are available at Application for Conciliation form, from the Agent, the Workplace injury Commission, some unions and service providers.
Note: The worker or a nominated person on the woker's behalf can apply to the Principal Conciliation Officer to ask that a late lodgement be accepted.
Conciliation Service
The Conciliation Service will usually convene a conference within 40-50 days of receiving a request for conciliation.
Note: A fast-tracked conciliation process exists for disputes relating to provisional payments for a mental injury.
See: 7.3.6 Disputes about provisional payments.
The Conciliation Service sends the Agent:
- a letter acknowledging receipt of the conciliation request
- a copy of the Application for Conciliation form
- copies of relevant documents submitted by the worker and any other information relevant to the dispute.
Referral back from arbitration
At the parties consent, conciliation may also re-commence after WIC Workplace Injury Commission has referred a dispute back from arbitration, for example where an Outcome Certificate is required by the parties.